Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 15, 2015

Hey Family,
I have always loved the rain.  I always have more energy on rainy days. However, no one else seems to agree with me.  The streets have been empty.  Please pray for a stop to the rain. It is hard to get new investigators like this.

The work has been incredibly slow this week.  We still haven't found any new people and the people we work with have been as flaky as ever.  I'm about ready to wipe all the names off our whiteboard and just start from scratch.  I don't know what it is with this area but we turned in better numbers than this in Korea.

Ms. M is the only one I have much hope for.  She came to a baptism in the ward this week.  We just need to get her to read the Book of Mormon.  She always has an excuse not to though.

Elder Madsen and I work pretty well together.  We are way different but we are able to work past it.  He is willing to compromise and hear things from my perspective.  He puts others ahead of himself and is genuinely trying to work hard.  I respect him a lot.

I did get the package.  Thanks!

I have been impressed with the members this week.  Two of the families we had visited were actively working with specific people to share the gospel with and one had a recent convert over that they had introduced to the church.  They were able to make sharing the gospel a natural thing.  They cared about their friends so they shared the most important things in their lives with them.

I'm sad to hear about Saruman.

Glad to hear trek went well.
Love you,
Elder Stapley

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