Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

Buddhist temple in Miryang

I have very little time today.  The rest of the district isn't as big about email time as I am and every once in a while they have to have a district p-day.  So we went to Miryang and now we have no time.  I won't be able to answer all of your questions well so I might come back to them next week. 
That pan is only to be sent if you were going to send a too big package anyway.  It might have been a mistake telling you about that.  Not all the mission houses have ovens and I'm going to transfer soon, anyway.  But the important thing is the glass.

Hope you get my letter soon, Emily.  They said it will be there next week at the latest.  I included a small super cheap birthday present.  Hope you enjoy the English translation on it.

I can print off past emails received and sent.  If I have my way we are going to have a computer p-day sometime soon.  President has loosed the rules on email time.

I took a bunch of pictures today.  I hope they make up for the really short letter.  I also have videos I will try to send.  It's allowed.  These were taken at a Buddhist temple in Miryang.

Love you bye,

Elder Stapley
P.S.  I'm out of time. I guess you're getting a crud ton next week.

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